Sunday, November 6, 2011

remember, remember ...

Last night I went to the newer Peregrin location on 14th street with Brian and Tiffany. Brian was my closest friend in highschool, and one of a handful I am still in contact with. He teaches first grade, which is crazy, and awesome. His wife Tiffany is the office manager at TA. I'm not sure exactly what she does, other than everything. She does a pretty kick-ass job.

The new Peregrine is even smaller than the first. It has seating for about six. Maybe eight, if you're willing to share a seat. But even though every seat was taken, we still got our cappuccinos "for here." Who wants beautiful art in a paper cup, right? We then proceeded to quiz ourselves using a Trivial Pursuit book.

"Who hit is head on the diving board on the way to winning a 1988 olympic gold medal?"

"Greg Louganis!" asserted the nearest barista. Amazed, we turned the page to discover the correct answer: Greg Louganis.

It wasn't long before we had a nice competition going, and I'm pretty sure it was the most entertaining evening yet for the coffee artists at Peregrine. And the cappuccinos were delicious.

As a side note, Happy Birthday, Jacqueline! The Estate thinks you are pretty cool. And at least one member thinks being a barista is pretty cool, too. And that it's important to have a comma after "Happy Birthday."


  1. I think it's fitting that Jax's birthday happens to be Cody's favorite, "let's all firebomb stuff" day.

  2. The other day I reminded Cody, "My birthday is Guy Fawkes day, you know."
    He responded, "Yeah. That's why I'm with you."

    Thanks, Alban, for the properly-punctuated birthday shout out and for drinking Peregrine to celebrate. I mean, it's only fitting.

  3. >__< (closed-mouth happy-face smile)
